Car accidents 3rd leading cause of brain injuries in the U.S.

Car accidents 3rd leading cause of brain injuries in the U.S.

Over 2.36 million people were injured in car accidents in 2012, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. While some car accident victims received only minor injuries, others suffered from traumatic brain injuries that will affect them for the rest of their lives. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that car accidents were responsible for causing 14 percent of traumatic brain injuries in the United States from 2006 to 2010, making it the third leading cause of TBI.

In a highly publicized New Jersey truck accident, comedian Tracy Morgan received serious brain injuries when his limousine was rear-ended by a negligent truck driver. According to People Magazine, Morgan has been trying to recover from his injuries for the past four months, and continues to undergo vocational and physical therapy for his serious injuries. Morgan still uses a wheelchair and is having difficulties with speech and mental cognition.

Signs of a brain injury

Otherwise referred to as whiplash in its milder form, brain injuries may occur when people experience a sudden jolt or blow to the head, just like they would in a traffic accident. The National Institute of Health indicates that the symptoms of traumatic brain injuries range from mild to severe and include the following:

  • Headaches
  • Seizures
  • Weakness in the arms and legs
  • Confusion
  • Loss of coordination

Additionally, people suffering a brain injury may experience a loss of consciousness, trouble concentrating and memory loss. Changes in a person’s auditory and visual functioning, as well as drastic changes in their mood or behavior are also possible symptoms.

Long-term effects

According to a review published in the Acta Pharmacologica Sinica in 2013, the damage sustained from a traumatic brain injury can be progressive. This means some people may not only suffer from the initial damage caused by the blow they received, but also from secondary injuries. states that secondary brain injuries include brain swelling, bleeding inside the skull, infection within the skull, increased fluid in the skull, increased pressure in the skull and damage caused by a lack of oxygen.

Minor and serious brain injuries can lead to permanent damage and even cause problems years after the initial event. Studies have shown that people who have suffered brain injury are at a higher risk of suffering a stroke and that brain injury may even play a role in dementia and Alzheimer’s. Often victims of brain injuries must undergo physical, mental and psychological therapy, and there is no guarantee that they may fully recover from their serious injuries. People who have been injured in a car accident should meet with an attorney who can help them estimate their long-term needs and determine an appropriate amount of compensation.

Cellphones aren’t the only source of distraction for drivers

Cellphones aren’t the only source of distraction for drivers

Although talking and texting on a cellphone while driving is considered one of the most hazardous driver distractions, there are other distractive behaviors that can result in devastating car accidents as well. Distracted driving auto accidents are responsible for killing an estimated nine people and injuring at least 1,153 people every day, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. When drivers avoid engaging in distracted behaviors while driving, they minimize the risk of causing a traumatic accident.

Types of distractions defines distracted driving as any type of activity that diverts a motorist’s attention off of the primary task of driving. The CDC classifies distraction for drivers into three categories. These include:

  • Cognitive distractions encourage drivers to take their focus off of the road. With some types of cognitive distractions, motorists may not be aware that their focus and concentration is compromised. Not only do hands free cellular devices fall under this category of distraction, voice-activated technology and talking to other passengers in the vehicle can also be distractive.
  • Visual distractions require drivers to remove their eyes from the road, even if it is for a few seconds. Looking away to change the radio station or program a navigation device can be extremely dangerous. According to, drivers who remove their eyes from the road for five seconds while going 55 miles per hour will drive the length of a football field before they return their eyes to the road.
  • Manual distractions involve drivers taking their hands off of the steering wheel and include reaching to attend to passengers in the back seat or picking up an item off of the floor.

While all driver distractions pose a significant threat to motorists on the roadways, there are some distractions that are considered more dangerous than others. Texting and talking on hand-held cellphones involve all three types of distractions, making them especially deadly. lists additional distractive behaviors, including eating, drinking, reading, grooming, watching videos and switching CDs or DVDs in the vehicle’s entertainment system.

Who is at risk?

Although distracted driving endangers everyone on the road, the CDC reports that young drivers and cellphones are a fatal combination. Novice motorists, who are under the age of 20 years old are often inexperienced and are more likely to have problems handling two complex tasks at once. As a result, they are more likely to be involved in fatal car accidents or accidents resulting in severe injuries.