¡Esto es muy dificil! Cuando terminara esto??

¡Esto es muy dificil! Cuando terminara esto??

Como si sufrir una lesión en un accidente automovilístico no fuera suficientemente malo, ahora lo bombardean con citas médicas y facturas, necesita tiempo libre en el trabajo, soportar dolores diarios, necesita un auto de alquiler y muchas otras tensiones. ¡Es demasiado difícil!  Créame, lo entendemos.  Nadie quiere pasar por una situación como esta y es por eso que hacemos lo que hacemos para ayudarte a superarla.  En Queener Law nos encargamos de las comunicaciones con las compañías de seguros, haciendo malabarismos con el seguro médico y los gravámenes, y negociando el mejor monto de liquidación disponible mientras usted se concentra en lo más importante: su recuperación.

  Si nunca has experimentado una situación como esta y estás abrumado y asustado, ¡está bien!  Estamos aquí para ayudar.  Podemos desglosar los pasos del proceso para usted a lo largo del camino.

¿Qué pasa primero?  Una vez que nos contrata para representarlo, inmediatamente nos ponemos en marcha.  Todas las compañías de seguros involucradas reciben cartas de representación de nuestra parte indicándoles que proporcionen a nuestra oficina la información sobre la póliza y los límites y preserven todas y cada una de las pruebas.  ¿Cuál es la mejor parte de esto?  También les indicamos que no se comuniquen con usted.  Permítanos ocuparnos de la compañía de seguros mientras usted descansa y nos ocupamos de sus lesiones.

Y que lo que suceda a continuación depende de su plan de tratamiento.  Usted nos mantiene actualizados con sus citas y, cuando haya completado el tratamiento, solicitaremos sus archivos completos a sus proveedores médicos.  Una vez que todo está listo, creamos un paquete de demanda que incluye un resumen de cada cita a la que asistió, gastos de bolsillo, libro de facturas médicas, reembolso de millas y una descripción detallada del impacto que este incidente tuvo en su estilo de vida.  Queremos convertirlo en un ser humano a los ojos del ajustador de seguros, no simplemente en un número de reclamo común y corriente.

Una vez que se ha presentado el paquete de demanda y el liquidador de seguros ha tenido tiempo de revisarlo, comienzan las negociaciones.  Lo mantendremos actualizado con los montos de la oferta y le explicaremos qué significa ese número para el monto de su bolsillo.  ¡Con su permiso, continuamos negociando hasta que tengamos la oferta máxima absoluta posible para su reclamo!  Unas cuantas firmas aquí y allá y tendrás un trato.

Con frecuencia nos preguntan al comienzo de los casos: ¿Cuánto vale mi caso? ¿Cuanto tiempo tomara mi caso?  Estas son preguntas muy abiertas y todas varían según el caso.  Algunos factores que influyen en esto son: gravedad de las lesiones, responsabilidad, costo del tratamiento médico, permanencia y, por supuesto, los límites de la póliza de seguro.  Lo mejor para usted es no comenzar las negociaciones hasta que su tratamiento haya finalizado y todos los registros médicos y las facturas estén listos. Las compañías de seguros prefieren ver los registros y las facturas del tratamiento en lugar de las recomendaciones de tratamiento.  Desafortunadamente, esto a veces nos pone a merced de los proveedores médicos cuando se trata de plazos.  Nuestro trabajo es hacer lo que sea mejor para usted, y eso significa no enviar su paquete de demanda hasta que todo esté listo.

Sabemos que este no es un proceso divertido para usted, pero hacemos todo lo posible para que sea lo más fácil posible.  Haremos todo lo posible para acelerar este proceso tanto como sea posible, pero siempre mantendremos su mejor interés ante todo para que lo único de lo que tenga que preocuparse sea de curarse, recuperarse y volver a su vida normal.

¿Necesito un reporte policial?

¿Necesito un reporte policial?

La respuesta corta es SI. Desde golpes en los guardabarros hasta accidentes automovilísticos importantes, obtener un reporte policial es crucial no sólo para establecer los detalles del accidente, sino también para determinar la responsabilidad. Dependiendo de la naturaleza del accidente, un oficial puede darle la opción de enviar su propio informe en línea o permitirle que lo haga ellos mismos. La mejor opción es dejar que los oficiales hagan el informe mientras están en la escena para que no se pierda información vital. Y si por algún motivo debe presentar su propio informe (por ejemplo, no hay ningún oficial en la escena), le recomendamos que lo haga lo antes posible para que no se olviden detalles sobre el accidente que podrían afectar su caso. En Colorado, la ley establece que tiene 60 días a partir de la fecha del accidente para presentar su informe. Aunque la ley de Colorado no exige reporte policial para colisiones menores de $1,000 en danos de propiedad y que la otra parte no sufre lesiones o muerte, a largo plazo puede beneficiarle informarlo a la agencia adecuada, ya que contiene detalles que ayudarán a las compañías de seguros mientras trabajan con este reclamo.

Pero, ¿Qué tipo de información hay en el reporte policial que lo hace tan importante? Contiene dónde ocurrió el accidente, a qué hora, quiénes estuvieron involucrados, quiénes fueron los testigos, fotografías de la escena, observaciones de los oficiales, un diagrama de lo sucedido y a qué velocidad conducían las partes. Además de eso, el informe también mostrará si recibió una citación y quién, lo que facilitará mucho a las compañías de seguros determinar la responsabilidad.

Entendemos lo aterrador que puede ser verse involucrado en un accidente automovilístico y sabemos que lo primero que desea hacer es regresar a casa e intentar pasarlo por alto; sin embargo, le recomendamos encarecidamente que se tome el tiempo adicional necesario para permitir que los agentes de policía evalúe la escena y haga un reporte policial que podría marcar la diferencia en su reclamo de seguro.

Do I need a Police Report?

Do I Need a Police Report?

The short answer is YES. From fender benders to major vehicle accidents, obtaining a police report is crucial to not only establish the details of the accident, but to determine liability as well. Depending on the nature of the accident, an officer may give you the option to submit your own report online or allow them to make a report themselves. The best choice is to let the officers do the report while on scene so no vital information gets missed. And if some reason you are required to submit your own report (ex: no officer on scene), we recommend you do it ASAP so details about the accident are not forgotten that could potentially affect your case. In Colorado, the law states you have 60 days from the date of the accident to file your report. Even though Colorado law does not require police reports for minor collisions that are less than $1,000 in property damage and do not result in the other party being injured or deceased, it can benefit you in the long run to report it to the proper agency as it contains details that will help insurance companies while working this claim.

But what type of information is on the police report that makes it so important? It contains where the accident happened, what time, who was involved, who were the witnesses, photographs of the scene, officer observations, a diagram of what happened and how fast the parties were driving. Besides that, the report will also show if and who received a citation, which will make it much easier for insurance companies to determine liability.

We understand how scary it can be to be involved in a car accident and we know the first thing you want to do is go home and try to put it past you, however we strongly encourage you to take the extra time needed to allow police officers evaluate the scene and make a police report that could make a difference in your insurance claim.

What to Do After a Car Wreck

What to Do After a Car Wreck

What Do I Do After A Car Wreck

As if being injured in a car wreck isn’t bad enough, now you are bombarded with medical appointments and bills, needing time off work, enduring daily pain, needing a rental car, and so many other stresses. It’s just too hard!  Trust me, we get it.  No one ever wants to go through a situation like this, and that is why we do what we do—to help you get through it.  At Queener Law we take care of the communications with insurance companies, juggling health insurance and liens, and negotiating your best available settlement amount while you focus on what is most important: your recovery.

If you’ve never experienced a situation like this and you are overwhelmed and scared, that’s ok!  We are here to help.  We can break down the steps of the process for you along the way.

What happens first?

Once you hire us to represent you, we immediately hit the road running.  All involved insurance carriers receive letters of representation from us directing them to provide our office with the policy and limits information and preserve any and all evidence.  What is the best part of this?  We also direct them not to contact you.  Let us deal with the insurance company while you rest and take care of your injuries.

Then what?

What happens next depends on your treatment plan.  You keep us up to date with your appointments, and when you have completed treatment, we will request your complete files from your medical providers.  Once everything is in, we create a demand package including a summary every appointment you attended, out-of-pocket expenses, medical bill ledger, mileage reimbursement, and a thorough description of the impact this incident made on your lifestyle.  We want to make you a human in the eyes of the insurance adjuster, not just a run-of-the-mill claim number.

Once the demand package has been submitted and the insurance adjuster has had time to review it, negotiations begin.  We will keep you updated with the offer amounts and explain what that number means for your in-pocket amount.  With your permission, we continue negotiating until we have the absolute maximum offer possible for your claim!  A few signatures here and there, and you’ve got yourself a deal.

How much is my case worth?

We frequently get asked at the beginning of cases: How much is my case worth? How long will my case take?  These are very open-ended questions, and all vary on a case-by-case basis.  Some factors that go into the value of a car wreck case are: seriousness of injuries, liability, cost of medical treatment, permanency, and of course, the insurance policy limits.  It is in your best interest to not begin negotiations until after your treatment has been completed and all the medical records and bills are in.  Insurance companies prefer to see treatment records and bills rather than recommendations for treatment.  Unfortunately, this sometimes puts us at the mercy of the medical providers when it comes to a time frame.  Our job is to do what is in your best interest, and that means not sending out your demand package until everything is in.

We know that this is not a fun process for you, but we do our best to make it as easy as possible.  We will do our best to expedite this process as much as possible but will always keep your best interest first and foremost so all you have to worry about is healing, recovering, and getting back to normal life!

Queener Law Files Product Liability Lawsuit Against Amazon

Queener Law Files Product Liability Lawsuit Against Amazon

Queener Law Files Products Liability Lawsuit Against Amazon

Queener Law has filed a product liability lawsuit against Amazon due to a defective mobility scooter that caused a fire in a man’s home. The man sustained injuries and significant damage to his home. Queener Law intends to hold Amazon and its co-defendants accountable for the defective product. The lawsuit against Amazon was filed on April 25, 2024, in Tennessee Middle District Court. The case is 3:24-cv-00516, Waller v. Amazon.com Services, LLC.


Your Rights As A Consumer

As a consumer, you have several rights that protect you in the marketplace. These rights include the right to safety, the right to be informed, the right to choose, and the right to be heard. These rights protect you from defective products, misleading advertising, and unfair business practices. If your rights as a consumer have been violated by something you have purchased, you may be entitled to legal recourse.



  • What if I receive counterfeit goods from Amazon?
    Counterfeit goods violate Amazon’s policies and your rights as a consumer. You may be entitled to a refund or replacement and, in some instances, additional damages.
  • How long do I have to sue Amazon?
    The statute of limitations for filing a lawsuit against Amazon can vary based on the nature of your claim and jurisdiction. It’s crucial to act quickly to protect your legal options.
  • Can I take legal action against Amazon without a lawyer?
    While it is possible to sue Amazon without legal representation, navigating the complexities of the law and Amazon’s legal team can be challenging without professional guidance.
  • What are the potential outcomes of suing Amazon? Depending on the nature and success of your lawsuit, outcomes can range from monetary compensation to product replacements or policy changes within Amazon


About Queener Law

Queener Law has supported accident victims and consumer rights for more than 30 years. With offices in Tennessee and Kentucky, Queener Law has proudly risen to prominence as one of the most successful personal injury and consumer advocacy law firms in the southeast. Queener Law also boasts a national presence in Denver, Colorado, specializing in practices ranging from product liability and personal injury to aviation accidents. Queener Law’s long history of success has resulted in millions recovered for clients and an unbeatable team of inventive, innovative, and experienced attorneys and paralegals. Visit Queener Law to learn more.


Don’t Fall for a Quick Check from the Insurance Company

Attorney Henry Queener

Attorney Henry Queener

To car insurance companies, it makes more business sense to pay out a minimal settlement amount rather than work with you to resolve your claim. Insurance adjusters may try to coax car wreck victims into settling their claims quickly with low-ball offers or quick checks. Having your claim open costs the insurance company time and money. Bottom line: Don’t fall for a quick check from your insurance company. It may cost you later.

Unfortunately, what most car wreck victims don’t understand is this:

When car wreck victims sign a quick check, they have entered a binding contract representing themselves. They have settled both their bodily injury and property damage claim for one lump sum.

Often, car wreck victims will start seeing unresolved issues, like unpaid medical bills. They may begin to receive collection notices for past medical bills for which they are responsible. Their health insurance company may refuse to pay due to injuries sustained in a car wreck. Their medical treatment may be more intensive than initially thought.

When car wreck victims represent themselves, they may find themselves in a trap they didn’t know existed with car insurance companies. Even a minor accident with minor injuries can result in a financial downfall when uninformed decisions are made. Hiring a personal injury lawyer like Henry Queener will ensure that car wreck victims get the best outcome. Let our highly experienced legal team work for you while you focus on recovering.

Contact Queener Law today for a free consultation.