Injuries often associated with car accidents

by | Jan 24, 2015

Car accidents injure millions of people across the United States each year. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, an estimated 2.36 million people were injured in traffic accidents in 2012, a 6.5 percent increase from 2011. From minor lacerations and broken bones to traumatic brain injury and paralysis, injuries experienced by car accident victims can vary from one incident to another. Many Tennessee personal injury attorneys know that the following are just a few of the most common types of motor vehicle accident injuries.

Broken bones and lacerations

Whether an accident victim experiences a severe compound fracture that requires surgical intervention or a simple broken arm that can be reset into place, broken bones can be extremely painful and may require additional therapy. Lacerations can occur when broken glass or airborne objects pierce the skin. In some instances, deep lacerations may need stitches and could leave scars.

Traumatic brain injuries

Traumatic brain injuries can occur when a person experiences a sudden jolt or impact to the head, causing brain tissue damage, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. The damage can range in severity from mild to extreme depending on the force of impact. Some victims of TBI will immediately notice key signs of brain damage, including dizziness, fatigue, headache, seizures, numbness in the extremities and loss of coordination.  Other people may not have any symptoms for several weeks or even months after the incident takes place. Tennessee personal injury attorneys note that TBI can change some people’s lives forever and others may heal with time and therapy.

Neck and spinal cord injuries

Neck and spinal cord injuries can vary from mild whiplash to paralysis. According to the Mayo Clinic, paralysis occurs when trauma to the spinal cord, ligaments, vertebrae or disks damages or severs the nerve fibers passing through the spinal column. Damage done to the upper portion of the spinal cord may result in quadriplegia, or loss of movement and sensation of both upper and lower extremities. Lower spinal cord damage may lead to paraplegia, or loss of movement in the lower extremities. Motor vehicle accidents are responsible for causing more than 35 percent of all spinal cord injuries, making auto accidents the leading cause of such injuries.

Internal injuries

The impact from car accidents could cause internal bleeding and bruising to crucial organs, such as the kidneys, bowels, liver, spleen, lungs or heart. Fractured ribs could result in punctured lungs. If a person is impaled by an object, an organ may be affected as well. Internal injuries can be life threatening and require immediate attention.

Tennessee personal injury attorneys handle car accident cases where people have become seriously injured as a result of another driver’s negligence. Getting compensation can be the first step to getting one’s life back on track.