Drivers running red lights due to impatience or distraction cause more than 1,000 fatalities each year, endangering their lives and other road users as well. Many red-light runners have reported “accidentally” blowing through these traffic lights due to a distraction. Red-light running often results from distracted or aggressive driving and is 100% preventable.
The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) reports that 1,149 people were killed and more than 100,000 injured in crashes that involved red-light running in 2022. At least half of those killed were the driver’s passengers, pedestrians, bicyclists, or people in other vehicles.
Among drivers involved in fatal, red-light-running, multiple-vehicle crashes in 2022, the red-light runners were more likely than other drivers to be male, to be younger, and to have prior crashes or alcohol-impaired driving convictions, according to IIHS. They were also more likely to be speeding or alcohol-impaired at the time of the crash and less likely to have a valid driver’s license.
Red-light running in Kentucky
Kentucky State Police data compiled from collision reports submitted by Kentucky law enforcement agencies across the commonwealth show that in 2023, 3,914 crashes occurred due to drivers’ disregard for traffic control, resulting in 46 fatalities and 2,194 injuries.
Reducing risks from red-light runners
With the number of red-light running crashes continuing to climb, AAA offers these tips for avoiding crashes caused by running red lights:
• Limit distractions. AAA Foundation research finds that distraction from activities, such as hands-free texting or dialing while sitting at a red light, can linger with a driver for up to 27 seconds afterward.
• Drive defensively. Before you advance through an intersection after the light has turned green, take a moment to look both ways and then proceed. Don’t assume all cross traffic has obeyed the red light.
• Prepare to stop. When preparing to enter an intersection, lift your foot off the accelerator and “cover the brake” by positioning your right foot just above the brake pedal without touching it.
• Use good judgment. Monitor “stale” green lights―those that have been green a long time―as you approach the intersection. They are more likely to turn yellow when you arrive at the intersection, so anticipate the need to make a safe stop.
• Tap the brake. Tap your brakes a couple of times before fully applying them to slow down. This will help catch the attention of drivers behind you who may be inattentive or distracted.
When a driver runs a red light, it is more likely to cause a significant injury than many other types of accidents due to the high speed involved and the unprepared drivers crossing traffic that have a green light. “T-bone” or “angular” collisions often result in severe injuries and fatalities for the occupants on the side of the car that is hit. Small gaps separate the driver and passenger from a side impact, increasing the chances of catastrophic injuries.
Call our Kentucky Personal Injury Attorney Henry Queener for a FREE CONSULTATION
If you’ve been involved in an accident with a negligent driver who ran a red light, you need Queener Law to fight for you! Don’t wait to get help. Queener Law will get you set up with medical attention, even if you do not have health insurance. Call Queener Law today or use our online consultation form to schedule a free consultation and discuss the circumstances of your accident and how we can help you.